In Sanskrit, the world’s oldest grammatical language, Darshan means “to Perceive”. Deeply ingrained in Indian society, Hatha Yoga came into western consciousness thru Krishnamacharya, a classically trained Brahmin class doctor. Krishnamacharya, seeking person clarity to balance out his scientific education, traveled to northern India to study with the guru, Brahmachari. Using the Yoga Karunta as a guide, Brahmachari taught Krishnamacharya the series that are now known as the “Ashtanga Yoga Series” among other teachings.
This set of prescribed asana was taught to Sri Pattabhi Jois in his youth; later he became the yogic consult for the Maharishi of the Mysore. Jois shred these sequences in the seventies with westerners such as Tim Miller, Doug, and David Swenson. |